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Olive You, Extra Virgin Please | Trust Me I'm a Decorator

What do Debbie Travis and Tommy Smythe have in common outside of decorating? They love enjoying delicious food in great company, especially with a drizzle of the perfect olive oil. On this episode, Debbie tells Tommy about harvest season in Tuscany, walking him through the process from garden to press and bottling to shipping.
Debbie and Tommy also go through the do's and dont's when shopping for olive oil in your town or city; some of the products on grocery store shelves are actually quite dangerous. Debbie has all the warnings and a story about a Toronto restaurant that banned her from visiting after she called them out for their olive oil, oh the drama!
In this episode, Debbie mentions Tom Mueller's book: Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil . Tommy mentions his new favourite Michelin-recognized restaurant and their to-die-for Olive Oil Cake, Gia Restaurant. And finally, because Tommy admits that his blood-olive-oil-level is pretty high, he approves this shameless plug of her Tuscan, Certified Organic, Extra Virgin, Cold Pressed Olive Oil.
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