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Women Who Inspire Us | Trust Me I'm a Decorator

On this episode, Debbie and Tommy reflect on how important women are to society, in history, and in their lives. They touch on the traditional roles of women in society and the power of female friendship. The conversation also talks about embracing differences and striving for equality. From Frances Mayes to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Debbie and Tommy also reflect on the changing roles of women in society, including the impact of women in politics, and the importance of supportive partnerships. They also explore the power of reversing traditional gender roles and the significance of trust and support in relationships. The conversation highlights the need to celebrate women's achievements and share success stories. They also announce another 'Ask Us Anything' episode with a live audience! Send in your questions at!


Introduction and the Influence of Women

The Importance of Coping and Support

Gender Roles and Community

The Power of Female Friendship

Sharing Stories and Finding Inspiration

The Multitudes of Women and Men

The Influence of Women Throughout History

The Changing Roles of Women

The Influence of Women Behind the Scenes

The Impact of Women in Politics

Women Who Inspire

Supportive Partnerships

Reversing Traditional Gender Roles

The Importance of Trust and Support

Finding Balance in Relationships

The Power of Sharing Success Stories

Celebrating Women's Achievements

Recording with a Live Studio Audience

Recommendation: Conversations from a Long Marriage

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